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Showing posts from December, 2020

A Broken System

         When I read through the prompt for the rational argument paper, I struggled to brainstorm the perfect subject to dig into for this project. I thought about technologies like autonomous vehicles, the right way to harvest energies from the environment, and even whether or not the United States should have a military presence in other nations. None of the subjects really seemed to stand out immediately, so I moved on from generally gathering research and started working on another item on my 'To-Do List'; finding the best option for my family's health insurance in 2021.      For those of you who are lucky enough to not weigh the stresses of guessing how much health coverage your family will need in the coming year, I am jealous. I have worked tirelessly collecting data in an excel spreadsheet with each plan's premium, copay, coinsurance, deductible for the family and the individual as well as the out of pocket maximums. After gathering all of this information (and