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Showing posts from November, 2020

Dusk to Dawn

Wasatch Mountain Range, Utah        What first comes to mind when looking at this image in the context of the phrase written with an unstructured font over it, is a feeling of nostalgia. I find myself reminded of the backpacking trips I would go on yearly. I would go on an approximately ten-mile hike in the Wasatch Mountains of Northern Utah just outside Salt Lake City. The Wasatch mountains are known for their aesthetics and also their common mountain lion sightings. The distance and elevation change while carrying a 50-pound pack was not the challenging part, what ended up usually being the most rewarding part of the trip was being all alone in the woods with your thoughts.        The preparation for the trip was meticulous: The tickets were booked, the rental car was reserved, the tent was all prepped and looked over for damage, the food rations and cooking supplies were all confirmed. Every contingent needed to be prepared for whether it was to find water while

Onto The Future

            Vice President Elect Harris’s speech was filled with pathos, ethos and logos. What stood out to me the most was her use of pathos, which is fitting for the type of speech she is giving. She recites personal stories of both President Elect’s life stories, but her own upbringing as well. She spoke about women who have been fighting for a century to be represented properly, especially women of color. Her speech was uplifting in a time where this positivity is lacking in politics. She ended her speech before introducing President Elect Biden by addressing the young women in the crowd, giving them confidence for their representation in the future.      President Elect Biden entered the stage running, with an air of confidence and pride as he approaches the podium addressing his “fellow Americans”. He immediately starts calling people out in the crowd, some personal relationships and some professional. He then steps right into the voter count, and pledges to b