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Showing posts from September, 2020

Photo reflection- The Ongoing Road

My son overlooking passing boats  on the St. James river, MI 8.2020      Throughout my life, road trips have held a very high level of importance to me. Whether it was a weekend trip to the mountains, an early morning drive to Disneyland, or a month-long trip dragging our camper around as many National Parks west of the Mississippi. By the time I was a teenager, no destination in the Western United States was too far. This is a passion which my parents have passed onto me and I hope my kids share the same appreciation for the road.   Gordes, France     In my adult life, road trips have continued to be my favorite method of travel. Over the last ten years I have driven the entire United States as well as portions of Canada, France and Italy. I was even lucky enough to find someone who shares my love for a good road trip. When we got married, we made sure to include a three-hour road trip from the nearest airport to the ceremony and every guest came away with an unforgettable story of th

Week 1 "This Is Water" video reflection

     At the beginning of the video my curiosity was sparked and I wondered how the goldfish analogy would be translated into a real world scenario. As I continued to listen to the speaker talk over music in the background while watching the goldfish swimming through the screen, I began to reminisce about the movie "What about Bob" and his pet goldfish "Gil". Two characters that have a similar parallel to the points made by David Foster Wallace. Bob and Gil are both trapped in their own space facing the same mundane realities until an awakening of sorts was performed. Not until then was Bob able to be happy with where he was.      Then the first few minutes of the video passed I realized that the shift in the analogy actually moved towards another Bill Murray classic, Groundhog Day. A story which has a similar but different narrative where "Phil Connors" is stuck in a constant daily repetition and is only able to escape after he becomes a good person, less